Madras Agricultural Journal
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Genetic parameter studies on quality traits in rice


                                Grain quality has always been an important consideration in rice variety selection and development. The physico-chemical characteristics of rice grains are important indicators of grain quality. The consumer mainly prefers good quality rice. The cooking quality is a complex character which is very much influenced by physico-chemical characteristics of rice grain. (Tomar and Nanda, 1981; Hussain et al., 1987). The knowledge of variability and heritability of different quality characters will help the breeder in choosing the parents for hybridization programme. In the development of improved breeding lines having superior quality, the correlation between the grain quality characters is useful in the choice of parents, screening and selection procedures. Hence the present experiment was undertaken to study the different genetic parameters and correlation of quality characters of promising cultures / varieties/ hybrids of rice

Key words : Genotype, Phenotype


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