Madras Agricultural Journal
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Correlation analysis in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)


                                Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is an important cereal crop of India. In a country like India, cereals are the major sources of food carbohydrate. In order to impart resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses , it is imperative to introduce desirable attributes in a good agronomic base. For this ,an inevitable requirement is to characterize the germplasm. Adams (1967) has shown that component compensation and negative correlations arise in response to competitions between developmentally flexible components. In absence of stress viz., salinity or drought the correlations are trivial. In wheat the studies on correlations have been conducted by several workers (Smocek, 1977; Croy et al., 1978; Simons and Hunt ,1983 and Jag Shoran,1995)

Key words : Wheat, Yield


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