Madras Agricultural Journal
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Identification and tissue specific expression analysis of MKRN gene in rice


                                The makorin (MKRN) RING finger protein gene family encodes proteins (makorins) with a characteristic array of zinc-finger motifs and which are present in a wide array of eukaryotes. In the present study, the structure and expression of a putative makorin RING finger protein gene were analyzed in rice (Oryza sativa L. ssp. japonica cv. Nipponbare). From the analysis of the genomic (AP003543), mRNA (AK120250) and deduced protein (BAD61603) sequences of the putative MKRN gene of rice obtained from GenBank, it was found that it was indeed a bona fide member of the MKRN gene family. The rice MKRN cDNA encoded a protein with four C3H zinc-finger-motifs, one putative Cys-His zinc-finger motif, and one RING zinc-finger motif. The presence of this distinct motif organization and overall amino acid identity clearly indicated that this gene was indeed a true MKRN ortholog. Isolated RNA from embryonic axes of rice seeds at various stages of imbibition and germination and were studied for the temporal expression profile of MKRN by RT-PCR. This analysis revealed that MKRN transcripts were present at all the time points studied. It was at very low levels in dry seeds, increased slowly during imbibition and germination, and slightly declined in the seedling growth stage. After 6 days of germination, an organ-dependent expression pattern of MKRN was observed: highest in roots and moderate in leaves. Similarly to MKRN transcripts, transcripts of cytoskeletal actin and tubulin were also detected in dry embryos, steadily increased during imbibition and germination and leveled off after 24 hours of germination. The presence of MKRN transcripts in dry seeds, its early induction during germination and its continued spatiotemporal expression during early vegetative growth suggest that MKRN has an important role in germination, leaf and lateral root morphogenesis and overall development in rice

Key words : Gene expression, germination, makorin, rice, RT-PCR


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