Madras Agricultural Journal
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Nanotechnology and Agroecosystem


                                Nanotechnology is working with the smallest possible particles which raise hopes for improving agricultural productivity through encountering problems unsolved conventionally. Improvement of crops in agriculture is a continuous process. Breeding varieties to suite the growing needs are done through conventional breeding and biotechnical means. Recently scientists have started using nanotechnology to deliver the genes to specific sites at cellular levels and rearrange the atoms in the DNA of the same organism to get expression of desired character, thus skipping the time consuming process of transferring the gene from the foreign organisms. In the management aspects, efforts are made to increase the efficiency of applied fertilizer with the help of nano clays and zeolites and restoration of soil fertility by releasing fixed nutrients. Research on smart seeds programmed to germinate under favourable conditions with nanopolymer coating are encouraging. In the controlled environment agriculture and precision farming input requirement of crops are diagnosed based on needs and delivered the required quantities in right time at right place with the help of nanobiosensor and satellite system. Nanoherbicides are being developed to address the problems in perennial weed management and exhausting weed seed bank. Remediation of environmental contamination of the industrial waste and agricultural chemicals like pesticides and herbicide residues are possible through metal nanoparticles. Details of possibilities and concepts of application of nanotechnology in the crop production and results obtained already in these areas are reviewed in this paper.

Key words : Nanotechnology, biosensor, nanoherbicides, nanopolymer, nanopesticides, nanofertilizer, smart seeds, food-packaging, environment, climate change


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