Madras Agricultural Journal
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Decontamination Processes to Reduce Residues of Insecticides in Vegetables


                                Among the decontamination methods adopted to reduce the insecticide residues in vegetables, washing brinjal fruits with tamarind solution removed the insecticide to the extent of 50 percent followed by sodium bicarbonate (45 %) and the least removal was observed with water (26 %). Reduction of OP residues to an extent of 20.2 per cent was found when brinjal fruits were washed with water for 30 sec. In cabbage, washing with tamarind solution reduced 51.3 per cent of synthetic pyrethroid compounds followed by 50.8 percent of lindane and endosulfan. Synthetic pyrethriod and organophosphates were comparatively easily removable (33.3 %) than organo chlorinated compounds.

Key words : Decontamination, residue, insecticides, vegetables


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