Author:Prabhudev Dhumgond, S.S. Prakash, T.S. Punith Raj, Sharan Bhoopal Reddy and K.M. Shivakumar
p-ISSN:0024-9602, e-ISSN:2582-5321, Vol:99, Issue:oct-dec
DOI: organic carbon (SOC) and its different labile fractions are important in minimizing negative environmental impacts and improving soil quality. Thus it is very important to understand the fractions of soil organic carbon and their distribution in different cropping systems. Soil characterization revealed that soils were slightly acidic to moderately acidic in range with low soluble salts. Soil under coffee and areca system recorded significantly higher SOC, TOC and TN content compared to paddy system. The SMB-C, SMB-N, LFC and DOC were higher in coffee and areca cropping systems compared to paddy system. The correlation between SOC with TOC, TN, LFC, DOC, MBC and MBN was positive and significant. Light fraction organic carbon showed positive and significant correlation with DOC, MBC and MBN. Regression analysis suggests that SOC and LFC could explain 85% (R2 =0.853**) and 44% (R 2 =0.448*) variation respectively in surface TOC concentration.
Key words : Cropping system, SOC, DOC, LFC, MBC and MBN
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