Madras Agricultural Journal
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Enhancing the Productivity and Profitability in Rice Cultivation by Planting Methods


                                A field experiment was conducted during kharif 2011 to evaluate the economic feasibility of different planting methods viz., mechanized transplanting (22x14 cm), manual transplanting (20x10 cm), manual transplanting with wider spacing (25x10 cm) and power weeding, drum seeding (20x10 cm) and broadcasting for enhancing the productivity and profitability of rice cultivation. The experiment, replicated four times was laid out in randomized block design in plots of 60 m 2 size. Results indicated that plant height, tillers m -2 , panicles m -2 and grains per panicle were higher in mechanized transplanting compared to all other treatments. Mechanized transplanting recorded the highest grain yield (7418 kg ha-1 ) as well as gross returns (Rs 96434 ha -1 ) and net returns (Rs 72348 ha -1 ) with a benefit cost ratio of 3.0, while broad casting method registered the lowest grain yield (5308 kg ha -1 ), gross returns (Rs 68998 ha -1 ) and net returns (Rs 40693 ha -1 ). Drum seeding recorded benefit cost ratio of 2.7 with higher grain yield compared to manual planting.

Key words : Mechanized transplanting, manual transplanting, broadcasting, net returns, and benefit cost ratio.


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