Madras Agricultural Journal
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Effect of Nutriseed Pack Technique on Yield and Nutrient Uptake of Maize Under Surface Irrigation


                                Nutriseed pack technique is a way of deep placing fertilizer in the root zone simultaneously when sowing seed of crop. In order to evaluate the effect of different levels of nutrients viz., 75 per cent, 100 per cent and 125 per cent was provided through Nutriseed pack and in addition to nutrients furadan, neem cake also used to prepare Nutriseed pack. A field experiment was conducted with the test crop of hybrid maize COH(M)5 under surface irrigation. Nutriseed pack with furadan (with 100% NPK) recorded the highest N uptake of 65.4 and 55.1 kg ha -1 at harvest in stover and grain respectively. The Yield of COH(M)5 hybrid maize was higher with nutriseed pack placement. Nutriseed pack with furadan (with 100% NPK) recorded the highest grain yield of 5290 kg ha -1 which was 18.7 per cent higher than surface broadcast, and stover yield of 8500 kg ha -1 which was 17.7 per cent higher than surface broadcast.

Key words : Maize, Deep placement, Nutriseed pack technique, Nutrient uptake, Surface irrigation


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