Madras Agricultural Journal
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The Cultivation of Dry Paddy in the Salur Taluk, Vizagapatam District.


                                The hilly tracts and the plains of the Salur Taluk in the Vizagapatam District abound in good dry paddy varieties. Two of these viz., Veduru- sannam and Mettu dhanyarasulu are cultivated on a large scale. There are other varieties, Mettu prayaga and Mettu budagalu, which are also popular. During recent years Kasipichodi and Seethamma savaralu (prob- ably Seethasalo of Orissa) are found among the dry paddy. There is an area of about 1,000 acres under dry paddy during the current year in the taluk including the hilly area for which no statistics are maintained. Owing to the fall in the price of groundnut, and on account of propaganda for growing more food crops, the area under food crops has increased, partly replacing groundnut. In the following note the important practices in the cultivation of dry paddy are given together with a compara- tive statement of the cost of cultivation and yield of groundnut and dry paddy to show the advantages of cultivating the latter in these days.

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