Madras Agricultural Journal
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Inter-plot Competition in Manurial Experiments Among different Genotypes of Sorghum


                                The magnitude of border effect in sorghum manurial experiments and varietal cum manurial experiments were studied. In the manurial exporiment with CSH 5 sorghum the grain yield of first hordor row of an experimental plot without nitrogen was 33.8 per cent higher than the remaining rows when the adjacent plot received 100 kg N/ha. But in plots with 100 kg/ha adjacent to plots without nitrogen the grain yield of first border row was 35.0 per cent lower than the remaining rows. Different genotypes of sorghum under different nitrogen levels revealed that the border effect was significent on the first border row when the experimental plot of tall COH 2 was adjacent to modium CSH 5 or dwarf CSV 4. Though the yield difference of rows was not present. the entire plot yield of CSV 4 was significantly lower when the adjacent plot was grown with tall CQH 2 than medium CSH 5.

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