Effect of Composts and Industrial By-Products on Yield and Postharvest NPK Status of Brinjal under Coastal Saline Soil


                                Brinjal is the most common and popular vegetable crop. The application of composts and organic amendments influence organic matter and nutrient cycling and increase soil nutrient level. Pot experiment was conducted in Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Annamalai University to evaluate the response of brinjal with conventional, non-conventional organic sources, industrial by-products combined with inorganic fertilizers. The treatments imposed were T1 -Control (100% RDF), T2 -T1 + Municipal solid waste compost @ 5 t ha-1, T3 -T1 + Municipal solid waste compost @ 10 t ha-1, T4 -T1 + Vermicompost @ 2.5 t ha-1, T5 -T1 + Vermicompost @ 5 t ha-1, T6 -T1 + Rice husk ash @ 5 t ha-1, T6 -T1 + Rice husk ash @ 5 t ha-1, T7 -T1 + Rice husk ash @ 10 t ha-1, T8 -T1 + Lignite Fly ash @ 5 t ha-1, T9 -T1 + Lignite Fly ash @ 10 t ha-1. There were nine treatment combinations replicated thrice in CRD. The soil was sandy in texture pH 7.83 (saline), EC 0.22 dSm-1, available N (257 kg ha-1), available P (10.2 kg ha-1) and available K (117 kg ha-1) respectively which fell in fertility status of low. The soil classified taxonomically as Typic udisamments. The results showed that application of 100% RDF + Vermicompost @ 5 t ha-1 (T5 ) significantly recorded brinjal fruit yield of 934.2 g plant-1 and brinjal stover yield of 403.7g plant-1. The post harvest organic carbon content (3.5 g kg-1), available N (148 mg kg-1) available (7.15 mg kg-1) recorded in the treatment T5 which received 100% RDF + Vermicompost @ 5 t ha-1. The post harvest available K (77.48 mg kg-1) was registered with application of 100% RDF + Lignite Flyash @ 10 t ha-1 (T9 ).

Key words : : Brinjal, Municipal solid waste compost, Vermicompost, Rice husk ash, Lignite flyash. .

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