Characterization of Thermo sensitive Red Rice Line for itsSuitability in the State of Kerala, India
Author:R. Gayathri and Roy Stephen
Page No:401
Hybrid rice technology has guaranteed the food supply for the ever growing population in
the world. The identification of male sterility in rice was a breakthrough in the development
of rice hybrids since hybrids have a yield advantage over conventional varieties. The hybrid
seed production utilizing cytoplasmic male sterility is the widely adopted method in which
a cytoplasmic male sterile source, a maintainer and a restorer line should be maintained for
successful hybridization. The two line breeding system exploiting thermo-sensitive genic male
sterility (TGMS) has a great potential to overcome the difficulties in three line system of hybrid rice
development and can successfully be utilized in tropical countries where significant variations
in temperature exist between season and between altitudes. TGMS lines are responsive to the
temperature during a specific stage between panicle initiation and flowering for the expression
of their single recessive nuclear male sterility gene(s). This trait can be transferred to any line
of interest by backcrossing. TGMS lines will remain sterile when temperature is above Critical
Sterility Temperature (CST) and it will become fertile if the temperature is below the CST. Stable
TGMS line EC720903 was imported from International Rice Research Station (IRRI), Philippines
and transferred male sterile gene to popular red rice variety Jyothi through backcross breeding.
The seeds were sown at monthly interval for twelve months to evaluate the environmental
conditions required for complete male sterility during 2017-2018. The TGMS red rice developed
was found to be completely pollen sterile with pollen free anthers. On the other hand it was fully
fertile at high altitude region with 82.08% seed setting. Therefore the new TGMS red rice line can
be considered as a better choice as a female parent for Kerala condition for commercial hybrid
rice seed development.
Key words: TGMS Rice, Male st.
Key Words: : TGMS Rice, Male sterility, Pollen sterility