Author:Arunjith P* and P. Murali Arthanari
p-ISSN:0024-9602, Vol:104, Issue:7-9, Page No:354-358
DOI:10.29321/MAJ.2017.000077Field experiment was conducted during Kharif 2017 at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University to assess the impact of post emergence application of non-chemical formulations on yield and economics in maize. Lower density and dry weight of all the three types of weeds viz., grasses, sedges and broad leaved weeds were recorded at 20 DAS in plots treated with vinegar 20%, followed by traditional formulation @ 10 l ha-1 (Cow urine + Lemon fruit + Terminalia chebula). At later stage of observation hand weeding twice on 20 and 45 DAS recorded lower density and dry weight due to efficient removal of weeds manually. Among different non-chemical formulations higher grain and stover yield, net return and B: C ratio were obtained in post emergence application of vinegar 20% + hand weeding on 45 DAS followed by early post emergence application of traditional formulation @ 10 l ha-1 (Cow urine + Lemon fruit + Terminalia chebula) + hand weeding on 45 DAS.
Key words : Weed flora, Weed dry weight, Maize, Non-chemical weed management, Grain yield, Net return
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