Author:Najibullah* and C. Chinnusamy
p-ISSN:0024-9602, Vol:104, Issue:7-9, Page No:345-349
DOI:10.29321/MAJ.2017.000075A field experiment was conducted to study the influence of plant density, fertilizer levels and foliar nutrition on growth and yield of blackgram during Rabi season at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University Wetlands farm, Coimbatore. The experiment was laid out in a split plot design with sixteen treatment combinations encompasing plant density, fertilizer levels and foliar nutrition (2% DAP and TNAU Pulse wonder) replicated thrice. The results revealed that plant density of 3.33 lakhs ha-1 combined with basal application of 125% RDF + foliar applications of 2% DAP twice at flowering stages of crop growth and 15 days thereafter recorded better growth and yield parameters, yield and economics in irrigated blackgram. However, all the growth and yield attributing parameters recorded under plant density of 3.33 lakhs ha-1 combined with basal application of 125% RDF + foliar applications of TNAU Pulse wonder at flowering stages of crop growth were on par with 125% RDF + foliar spraying of 2% DAP twice coupled with the plant density of 3.33 lakhs ha-1.
Key words : Blackgram, Plant density, DAP, Pulse wonder, Fertilizer nutrients.
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