Author:M. Murugan1 and C. Karthikeyan2
p-ISSN:0024-9602, Vol:104, Issue:85-89
DOI:10.29321/MAJ 2019.000213The study deals with analysis of impact of SMS based advisories on farmers adoption behaviour disseminated by institutions such as DEMIC (Domestic and Export Market Intelligence Cell), ACRC (Agro Climate Research Centre) and KVK (Krishi Vigyan Kendra) which were exclusively involved in the delivery of Market, Weather and Technology advisory respectively throughout Tamil Nadu. Totally 30 farmers from each of these institutions were identified through simple random sampling method which sum up to a total of 90 respondents. Data were analyzed through descriptive statistics – mean, standard deviation, frequencies, independent sample t-test and chi-square test. Results showed that the adoption of SMS based advisories was low among registered farmers of KVK as compared to that of ACRC and DEMIC. Majority (87.80 %) of the respondents had medium level of perception towards SMS based advisories. Most of the farmers reported that lack of access to an effective extension service (or) credible information source as the constraint to access the required information. Extension activities need to be strengthened through a combination of personal & ICT based extension approach to meet out such gaps in future.
Key words : M. Murugan1 and C. Karthikeyan2.
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