Madras Agricultural Journal
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September(7-9) 2022

Study on Level of Emotional Intelligence and Social Intelligence of Post Graduate Agricultural Students


                                Intelligence is a general mental capability that involves the ability to reason, plan, think abstractly, comprehend ideas, language, and learn things. Being excellent in general intelligence (IQ) alone will not guarantee success in a student's life. Emotional intelligence is an important element in enhancing an individual's ability and skills in communication and interpersonal relations. Social intelligence involves identifying key interaction skills and then assessing them behaviorally. Emotional intelligence and social intelligence make an important role in the academic and social life of students. This study attempted to measure the level of Emotional intelligence and Social intelligence of the postgraduate agricultural students of Tamil Nadu Agricultural University. Using a proportionate random sampling method, 138 students (52 boys & 86 girls) were considered respondents for this study. Wong and Law's emotional intelligence scale and Tromso's social intelligence scale were used to assess respondents' levels of emotional intelligence and social intelligence. Findings of this study revealed that more than sixty percent (67%) of the respondents had a medium level of emotional intelligence and sixty-seven percent of respondents were under the moderately socialized category.

Key words : Emotional Intelligence; Social Intelligence; Post Graduate; Agricultural Students


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