September(7-9) 2022
Ragi ATL 1- A New high Yielding, Sturdy Culm, Non- lodging Variety Suitable for Tamil Nadu
A high yielding and early maturing ragi culture TNEc 1285 was developed at the Centre of Excellence in Millets, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Athiyandal and released as ATL 1. It is a cross derivative of TNAU 900 x CO (Ra) 14 has recorded 3128 kg/ha and 2879 kg/ha under irrigated and rainfed conditions respectively. This culture has recorded an average yield of 3008 kg/ha in 269 trials conducted during 2012 to 2020 and the yield is 13.3, 16.2 and 17.1 per cent higher than the checks CO 15 (2656 kg/ha), Paiyur 2 (2588 kg/ha) and GPU 28 (2569 kg/ha) respectively. It gave an average yield of 3183 kg/ha in the station Trials, 2317 kg/ha in Multi location Trials, 3004 kg/ha in Adaptive Research Trials conducted by Department of Agriculture and 3061 kg/ha in ARTs conducted by KVK’s. The mean straw yield of TNEc 1285 is 4990 kg/ha, which is 13.7 percent increase over the checks CO 15, 17.6 percent over Paiyur 2 and 20.5 percent over GPU 28. Ragi variety ATL 1 has 8 - 9 incurved fingers per ear head and 5 – 6 productive tillers per plant. It is endowed with special attributes like easy threshability, synchronized maturity and non-lodging growth habit. Regarding the seed quality, it is rich in protein (11.9 %) and calcium (325mg/100g) with the high flouring capacity (92 %) and low residual weight (8 %). Based on colour, appearance, flavour texture and taste ATL 1 ragi variety is displayed favorable overall acceptability. This culture is moderately resistant to leaf, neck and finger blasts. TNEc 1285 has been released as a new variety ATL 1 during 2020 for cultivation during kharif season as rainfed crop in Erode, Salem, Dharmapuri and Krishnagiri districts and as irrigated crop during summer in Thiruvannamalai and Vellore districts of Tamil Nadu.
Key words :
Ragi; New variety ATL 1; Sturdy culm; Non- lodging variety