Sorption and desorption of mixed contaminants of BαP, Cr and Ni in clay loam and sandy loam soils


                                Adsorption of mixed contaminants namely Benzo (α) Pyrene BαP, Cr and Ni experimented in clay loam and sandy loam soil for different time interval until 96 hrs. Their adsorptions were tested separately and in combination as BαP 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3, Cr 150, 300, Ni 75 and 150 mg kg-1. Generally, clay loam soil adsorbed them more rather than sandy loam soil and their adsorption was increased with an incremental increase of BαP, Cr and Ni as the shaking time increased and a higher concentration obtained during higher shaking time 96 hrs. The adsorption of Cr, Ni and BαP increases with increases their concentration for instance 65%, 66%, 99% and 46%, 56%, 99% was adsorbed for the treatment Cr300, Ni150 and BαP0.3 for clay loam and sandy loam soil respectively. The percentage increase of Cr in BαP0.3+Cr150, BαP0.3+Cr300 treated soil were 68.0%, 78.7 % and 48%, 49% in clay loam and sandy loam soils respectively during the higher shaking time of 96 hrs. A similar adsorption trend was observed for Ni.

Key words : :Benzo α Pyerene, chromium, nickel and adsorption

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