Author:R. Prathibha, D. Vasanthi and D. Selvi
p-ISSN:0024-9602, Vol:105, Issue:4-6, Page No:234-237
DOI:10.29321/MAJ.2018.000137A field experiment was conducted at Agricultural College and Research Institute, Killikulam during 2017-18 to study the effects of IPNS and foliar nutrition on yield and quality attributes of coriander in Rabi season in Alfisols of Tamirabarani command area, Tamil Nadu. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Block Design (RBD) with thirteen treatments and three replications. The treatments consists of absolute control, STCR-IPNS alone, FYM on 100 percent N equivalent basis alone and with foliar spray of amino acids, micronutrients, moringa and aloe vera leaf extract alone and in combinations were given. The treatment that received FYM + foliar spray of amino acids (20 ppm), micronutrients (Fe, 1.0%, Zn, 0.5% & B, 0.2%), moringa and aloe vera leaf extracts (20 ppm) recorded higher green leaf and seed yield besides higher quality parameters such as leaf yield (4450 kg ha-1), seed yield (653 kg ha-1) total chlorophyll (2.25 mg g-1), total carotenoid (0.79 mg g-1) and essential oil content (0.40 %) and it has the highest B: C ratio of 2.71.
Key words : STCR-IPNS, Foliar nutrition, FYM, Seed yield, Essential oil
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