Study on Growth and Yield Response of Redgram in Various Intercropping System and Its Economics Under Different Land Configurations in North Western Agro Climatic Zone of Tamil Nadu


                                The field experiment was conducted to understand the redgram growth, yield response and economics under different land configurations and intercropping systems. The experiment was laid out in split plot design with three main factors as land configurations of compartmental bunding, broad bed Furrow and ridges and furrow and seven sub factors as redgram + blackgram (4:5), redgram + greengram (4:5), redgram + Cowpea (4:5), redgram + Groundnut (4:5), redgram + sesame (4:5), redgram + cotton (4:4) and redgram sole cropping and were replicated thrice. The higher redgram plant height, leaf area index, dry matter production, redgram grain yield and net return were recorded with ridges and furrow method of sowing. Among the intercropping systems, higher redgram plant height, leaf area index, dry matter production, redgram grain yield and net return were recorded in redgram + blackgram intercropping system. This was comparable withintercropped with redgram + groundnut (S4), and greengram (S2) intercropping system.

Key words : Land configuration, Intercropping, Redgram, Compartmental bunding, Ridges and furrow, Broad bed furrow

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