Author:Kothainayagi T N, Murugan P P
Vol:107, Issue:march(1-3)
DOI: agricultural technologies are need to increasing the production andproductivity of agricultural crops. Technological change has been the majordriving force for increasing agricultural productivity. It was found fromdifferent study that growers’ perceptions of technology characteristicssignificantly affect their adoption decisions. The technology which wasadopted at one time may be discontinuing in other time in different way.This study identified the reason for discontinuance of TNAU recommendedpractices among tapioca growers. Salem and Namakkal district of TamilNadu have been chosen as it records top in area covers under tapiocacultivation. The growers were selected by following Proportionate RandomSampling procedure. Accordingly, 129 tapioca growers were selected asgrowers for the study. From the study it was found that majority of growerscompletely discontinued the nursery management practices. Except biofertilizer, fungicide usage, recommendations for mealy bug, cassava mosaicand TNAU recommended varieties all other technologies still followed bytapioca growers.
Key words : Technological change, discontinuance, recommended practices, tapioca
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