Author:Sapthagiri S, Krishnan R, Chinnamuthu C R, Chandra Sekaran N, Chandrasekhar C N, Geethalakshmi V
Vol:107, Issue:march(1-3)
DOI: field experiment was conducted at the wetland farm of Tamil NaduAgricultural University, Coimbatore, from January to April 2019 to study theprofit improvement in rice-based cropping system with little millet underrice fallow condition. The experiment was laid out in a split-plot design withthe treatments under Main plot viz., M1 - Sowing next day after harvest,M2 - Sowing 15 days after harvest and under subplot four nutrient levelsN1 -0 %, N2 -50 %, N3 -75 % and N4-100 % of RDF replicated thrice. The resultsrevealed that sowing 15 days after rice harvest combined with 100 % RDFrecorded better growth, yield parameter, and yield in rice fallow little millet.However, sowing 15 days after rice harvest combined with 75 % RDF wason par with sowing 15 days after rice harvest combined with 100 % RDF.
Key words : Little millet, date of sowing, nutrient management, rice fallow crop
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