September(7-9) 2021
Behavioral Assessment of Agricultural Post Graduates towards Online Classes
COVID 19 has crippled our country and people on the economy, health, andpsychological means. It also majorly affected the students by turning theminto a new form of the educational system. Hence, this study deals withthe changes in students’ behavior during online classes. The survey wasconducted through google forms and circulated to a random sample of 112post-graduate students studying in four different Agricultural Universities inthe country, and 90 of them responded. Statistical tools, namely, correlation,mean and standard deviation, were utilized to analyze. Behavioral variablessuch as accessibility, student interaction, time spent to study and notestaking, had a direct impact on the student skill and the resultant surroundingenvironment, student interaction had a direct impact on knowledge gainpertaining to online classes.
Key words :
COVID 19; Google forms; Online Classes; Students’ behavior