September(7-9) 2021
Effect of Calcium, Boron and Micronutrient Formulations on Berry Cracking in Grapes var. Muscat Hamburg
Muscat Hamburg (Panneer) is the most popular cultivar in Tamil Nadu forits pleasant musk flavor. It is consumed as table variety and also used forjuice and wine-making purposes. The present investigation was conductedduring summer and winter pruning from April 2016 to March 2018, in thegrapes vineyard located at Shanmuganathy dam road, Rayappanpatty villagein Cumbum valley of Theni district, Tamil Nadu. The experiment was laid outby adopting Randomized Block Design with seven treatments and threereplications. The exeprimental results revealed that the treatment with foliarapplication of chelated EDTA calcium @ 0.2% + boric acid @ 0.1% recordedthe maximum number of bunches (41.00 vine-1), fruit yield (14.87 kg vine-1),individual bunch weight (636.87g), bunch volume (498.42 mL) and TSS(19.530brix). The minimum berry cracking (3.46%), titrable acidity (0.52%)and physiological loss in weight (10.18%) were also recorded in the treatmentwith chelated EDTA calcium @ 0.2% + boric acid @ 0.1% (T5) as comparedto other treatments. Further, the same treatment combination noted thelowest berry shattering (2.42%). Whereas the highest berry diameter wasrecorded in the treatment with a spray of calcium chloride @ 0.3% than allother treatments.
Key words :
Berry cracking; Boron; Calcium; Muscat Hamburg; Yield; Quality