Madras Agricultural Journal
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September(7-9) 2021

Consumer Choice of Ice Creams : A Binary Logit Model of Analysis


                                The most popular flavors of ice cream are vanilla, chocolate, butterpecan, strawberry, neapolitan, chocolate chip, french vanilla, cookies, andcream, etc., Fruity ice cream includes vanilla, fresh fruits, etc. etc. Thespecific objective of this studyis to investigate whether the socio-economiccharacteristics and the marketing mix (4P’s) affect the consumer choice andpreferences of ice creams (fruity and traditional) or not. The sample size inthis research paper was 120. A binary logit model, was used to investigatefactors affecting the consumer choices and preferences of ice creams.Results obtained that women prefer fruity ice cream tomen. Likewise, menprefer traditional ice cream towomen. Premium price affects the choicepreferences towards both the ice cream. Product attributes like taste, quality,etc., and promotional activities like advertisement and sales promotionattracted the customers towards the ice cream.

Key words : Consumer choice; Dairy product; Place; Promotion ; Marketing mix


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