Madras Agricultural Journal
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June(4-6) 2021

Estimation of Crop Water Requirement for Sugarcane in Coimbatore District using FAO CROPWAT


                                The present study aimed to evaluate the software CROPWAT 8.0 that isused for estimation of the crop water requirement forsugarcane. With theseapproach the net irrigation requirement of sugarcane is calculated and themonthly water requirement is calibrated to meet out the requirement. Itincludes a simple water balance model that allows the simulation of cropwater stress conditions and estimation of yield reductions based on wellestablished methodologies. The use of modern irrigation techniques will goa long way in reducing water use and conservation. This will put wider areasunder cultivation and potentially contribute to greater agricultural production.The results showed that the Net and Gross Irrigationare 1394 and 1991.5mm, repectively. The crop water requirement of sugarcane in Coimbatorewas estimated to be 1438.7 mm.

Key words : CROPWAT, Crop water requirement, Irrigation Scheduling,Irrigation water requirement


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