December(10-12) 2020
A Study on Awareness and Adoption of Climate Resilient Farm Technologies on Crop Production and Protection in Namakkal District of Tamil Nadu
Climatechangeissuesareaffectingthelivesandlivelihoodsofthefarmingcommunity in our state. With majority of our rural population dependenton farming, the need of the houris to create awareness among farmers onclimate-resilientfarmtechnologiesandmakethemadoptthem. So,astudywas conducted intheErumapatty block ofNamakkaldistrictofTamilNaduto study the awareness and adoption of climate-resilient farm technologies.The findings of this study revealed that majority of the respondents (68.33per cent) had high level of awareness on climate-resilient farm technologies.With regard to adoption, majority (60.00 per cent) had medium level ofadoption on climate-resilient farm technologies. On crop production andprotection climate resilient farm technologies, namely drought-resilientvarieties, Intercropping, Identification and use of short-duration varieties,drought-resilient fodder crops, Community nursery as a contingency measurefordelayedplanting,IPDMandPPFMtocombatdroughtconditioninsmallonion majority of the farmers in the study area are aware of it and adopt itin this study area.
Key words :
Climate-resilient farm technologies; Awareness; Adoption