December(10-12) 2020
Bioefficacy of Flupyradifurone 200 SL Against Jassids, Whiteflies and Their Impact on Natural Enemies in Brinjal
Two field experiments were conducted at Tamil Nadu AgriculturalUniversity, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu to evaluate bioefficacy, phytotoxicityeffect if any of flupyradifurone 200 SL against whiteflies and leaf hoppersand its safety to non target invertebrates in brinjal during 2015 – 16. Theresults revealed that flupyradifurone 200 SL@ 175 g ai ha-1 was effective inreducing whiteflies and leaf hoppers population. The whiteflies per centreduction of 96.40 and 95.77 was obtained in first and second season,respectively. Similarly, regarding leaf hopper 96.35 and 97.92 per centreduction over control was recorded. The imposed treatments were foundsafer to non target invertebrates like spiders and coccinellids. Furthermore,no phytotoxic effect was observed even in treatments imposed withflupyradifurone 200 SL @ 75 and 150 g a.i. ha-1.
Key words :
Flupyradifurone; whiteflies; leafhoppers; brinjal; safety