Author: Naveen Saviour M , Mohandas S and Pandian B J,
p-ISSN: 0024-9602, e-ISSN:2582-5321, Vol: 100, Issue: apr-jun,
Experiments were conducted to popularize System of Rice Intensification (SRI) in Agniyar sub basin through demonstrations in 285 hectares covering the villages of 8 blocks comprising Thanjavur and Pudukkottai district, Tamil Nadu during November 2009-February 2010 under World Bank sponsored TN– IAMWARM Project. SRI method of rice cultivation was compared with conventional method in all the villages of demonstrations. The results showed that adoption of SRI favourably influenced the yield attributing parameters of rice viz., number of productive tillers m-2, length of panicle and numbers of grains panicle-1. The superiority of SRI was proved in terms of grain yield as evidenced by an over all increase of 37.6 per cent (5886kg ha-1) in yield over conventional system in the sub basin. Higher net profit and B C were also associated with SRI over conventional method of rice cultivation in all the locations of demonstrations. SRI recorded an average additional net profit of Rs.15480 ha-1 and BC ratio of 229.
Keywords: SRI, Rice, yield parameters, grain yield, economics
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