Cultural and Physiological Characterization of Fusarium solani f.sp. melongenae (Mart.) Sacc. Causing Brinjal Wilt
Author:Theradimani M, Amudha C
Vol:107, Issue:march(1-3)
Vascular wilt is infecting brinjal in all the growth stages of the cropdevelopment. Several studies showed that Fusarium solani f.sp.melongenaewas commonly associated with vascular wilt. However, the characterizationof the pathogenic species has not been resolved. This study was carried outto identify and characterize the nutritional requirement and physiologicalconditions required for the growth and development of Fusarium solani.Brinjal plants showing the typical fungal wilt disease symptoms were collectedfrom six different growing areas of Tamil Nadu. The collected isolates werecharacterized and identified as fungal species Fusarium solani. All the strainsdiffered in their morphological, cultural and physiological characters. Amongthe different isolates, MDCFSM1 isolate was identified as virulent isolate. Allthe isolates differed in conidial size and number of cells per conidium. Thepathogen, F.solani showed maximum mycelial growth in Czapekdox mediumboth in liquid and solid medium. The maximum mycelial growth of pathogenwas observed at pH 7.5. Among the different carbon and nitrogen sourcesviz, galactose, sucrose, urea and potassium nitrate, respectively, showedmaximum mycelial growth.
Key words : Brinjal, cultural characterization, Fusarium solani, physiological characterization, wilt